Ms. Novoa's Spanish Class



Welcome to Ms. Novoa's Spanish Class 

Learning a new language one student at a time 


Bienvenidos, Welcome to Spanish class, we will dive into a new language learning from

different types of media such as class disscussions, reading stories, voice recordings,

viewing video clips and movies, and reading engaging books. We hope that this class 

helps you learn and grow as we explore the Spanish Culture. 


About Ms. Novoa 

My family is from Mexico, I was born in California and now teach at lions High School in Tampa Florida.

I love the Spanish language and am dedicated to share that passion with my students. I

find creative ways to help students learn Spanish and immerse themselves in the Latin Culture.

Ways to reach me are Phone (888) 888-8888 etx. 881 


Rules and Regulations 

-Come to class everyday prepared and ready to learn 

-Be on time every day

-When the bell rings start working on Bell Work 

-Be respectful to everyone in the room, no innapropriate language or actions 

-Only one person can talk a time unless we are doing a class discussion. 


Class Violations

- Verbal warning (2)

-Student Teacher meeting

-Parent Phone call

-Parent Teacher meeting

-Office referral 


Links for Students

Spanish Grammar Help

Spanish Tool Box

Spanish Practice Games

Learn Spanish with Sounds


Links For Parents 

Textbook we will be using

Summer Language Camps

Newspapers from around the world


Florida Next Generation World Languages Standards


Class Schedule 

Period 1- Spanish 1

Period 2- Spanish 3

Period 3- Spanish 3

Period 4- Planning Period 


Perido 5- Spanish 1

Period 6- Spanish 2

Period 7- Spanish 2


Class Project 

El Camino de Santiago